How to Replace Dynamic Parameters in React Router using Path-to-RegExp and generatePath [Code Examples]

React Router – How to Replace Dynamic Parameters in a String In a web application built with React, routing is an essential feature that allows users to navigate between different pages or views. React Router …

title_thumbnail(How to Replace Dynamic Parameters in React Router using Path-to-RegExp and generatePath [Code Examples])

React Router – How to Replace Dynamic Parameters in a String

In a web application built with React, routing is an essential feature that allows users to navigate between different pages or views. React Router is a powerful library that provides routing capabilities for React applications. One common requirement in routing is the need to replace dynamic parameters within a URL string. For example, consider a URL like /en/homepage where /en represents the user’s locale. In this blog post, we will explore various solutions to replace these dynamic parameters directly in React Router.

Solution 1: Using React Router’s generatePath

React Router provides a helper function called generatePath that allows us to dynamically update a path with new parameter values. This function takes in the path template and an object containing the parameter values that need to be replaced.

import { generatePath } from 'react-router';

function updatePath(locale) {
  const path = generatePath('/:locale/homepage', { locale });

In this example, we use the generatePath function to update the path template /:locale/homepage with the new value of the locale parameter. The updated path is then pushed to the history stack, which triggers the navigation to the new URL.

Solution 2: Custom Function for Parameter Replacement

If you prefer a more flexible approach or want to handle parameter replacement outside of React Router, you can use a custom function. This function takes in the path template and an object containing the parameter values, and replaces the parameters with their corresponding values.

function replacePathParams(path, params) {
  let newPath = path;

  Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    newPath = newPath.replace(`:${key}`, value);

  return newPath;

console.log(replacePathParams('/:locale/homepage', { locale: 'en' }));
// Output: '/en/homepage'

In this example, we define a function replacePathParams which iterates over the parameter-value pairs and replaces each occurrence of the parameter in the path template with its corresponding value. The updated path is then returned.

Solution 3: Handling Optional Parameters

If your path templates include optional parameters, you can modify the custom function to handle them as well. By using a modified path template syntax like :param?, you can specify that the parameter is optional.

function replacePathParams(path, params) {
  let newPath = path;

  Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    newPath = newPath.replace(`:${key}?`, value !== undefined ? value : '');

  return newPath;

console.log(replacePathParams('/:locale/user/:name?/:lastname?', {
  locale: 'en',
  name: 'John',
// Output: '/en/user/John/'

In this example, the modified function handles an optional :name and :lastname parameter. If the parameter’s value is provided, it is replaced in the path template; otherwise, it is replaced with an empty string.


Replacing dynamic parameters in a URL string is a common requirement when working with React Router. In this blog post, we explored different approaches to achieve this goal. Whether you prefer using React Router’s generatePath function or a custom function, you now have the tools to handle dynamic parameter replacement effectively in your React Router-based applications.

Implementing proper parameter replacement ensures that your application’s URLs stay up-to-date and provide a seamless user experience. Choose the method that suits your needs best and start creating dynamic and personalized routes in your React applications.

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